Formal Real Estate
His thought places a big emphasis on the cash-cycle of different enterprises and how cash-solvency is the critical common concern of all enterprises in an industrial society: not just businesses but households too, hospitals, city governments, school distrits… Making a profit is the goal of business, and no-one frowns on a cash surplus, but "cash solvency, not maximization, is the pivotal ...
What Money Promises
Last night I finally watched The Big Short.I loved it, though Margin Call remains my favorite film of the 2007-2008 financial crisis. Anyway, it reminded me that a few months ago Felix Martin's book was a mind-expanding read. I have this weird habit of lighting up books with 7-color depths (using fancy imported markers).Partly I do it to focus attention & make reading more interactive: it ...
fri18jan2008: elzr.com +tags +email; thu17jan2008: You killed him, you killed him... thu17jan2008: Why you should get up in the morning even if you believe in fate; thu17jan2008: How to be [smart, charming, fit, thin, happy...] mon14jan2008: G'bye Big Music; sat12jan2008: Juan Alazan; sat12jan2008: Yo soy un pozo de rencor; sat5jan2008: that ...
London Review of Books
I 'm testing out new habits: this blag, a gameful morning routine, more podcasts & audio (the audio version of The Economist is superb), the occasional fancy breakfast, more cycling, no Netflix, study-lounging…Subscribing to the London Review of Books is another such experiment. It took over a month a half for my first physical copy to finally arrive but when it did it was something precious.
Theory as Music
Last week I attended a 3-day seminar by Amador Fernandez-Savater, a Spanish philosopher.We discussed the (political!) ideas of desire & affection in the pre-posmodern (!) stage of the thought of French philospher Jean-François Lyotard, who is clearly a continental thinker.I had many reservations about attending and the leftist, artist, activist crowd was definitely not my usual company.
Ode to Elevate
B rain-training is one of those fishy new concepts born burdened with an overpromising name. So is gamification. But behind the hype there is clear promise and Elevate is an iOS/Android app that surprised me by truly delivering a fun, gameful way to get a bit smarter & sharper every day.. It's now been 43 days that I've used the app EVERY single day, almost since the very first day I found it.